This has been a busy busy week. Along with all the other things listed earlier, I have framed in the walls around the cellar stair opening and reinforced the basement doors for security. It is now several times stronger (burglars will not be able to just kick through it like before). I have also rebuilt the window and frame in the bell-tower. I've got it boarded up right now, but I'll get glass in it soon. I have also been continuing to clean and re-organize the place. Progress is being made. Now back to school for a while.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Entropy Schmentropy
I have made great strides this week. Some of those strides have been backwards and sideways, but still...great strides. I have done a lot of cleaning and organizing. Much needed, I must say. Among the many things I have tackled is the glass (or lack of) in the windows. Many windows have glass that is broken or cracked. While working to prep one of them, I took off the thin plywood that covered the hole where the glass should be. When I did, the whole window fell to pieces. Even the base plate under the window was rotted. I now have to rebuild this window. I suspect that there are others in a similar condition (two of which I already know). This will slow down the overall process of sealing the building against the cold wind. Damn.
Speaking of cold, I am doing something I shouldn't. I bought a kerosene heater... the "jet" type. Makes a lot of noise, but puts out a lot of heat. Thing is, it's supposed to only be used in "a well ventilated place" like outside. I'm using it in the great hall. Have to remember to ventilate now an again. But boy does it keep the work space warm and dry.
I did finish hanging the door I wrote of, and put in the mortised door latch and lock. Looks good. Tomorrow I must finish re-building the windows and try to cut the glass to re-glaze them, otherwise I'll have to hire the work done. I can't afford that. More pictures coming tomorrow.
Speaking of cold, I am doing something I shouldn't. I bought a kerosene heater... the "jet" type. Makes a lot of noise, but puts out a lot of heat. Thing is, it's supposed to only be used in "a well ventilated place" like outside. I'm using it in the great hall. Have to remember to ventilate now an again. But boy does it keep the work space warm and dry.
I did finish hanging the door I wrote of, and put in the mortised door latch and lock. Looks good. Tomorrow I must finish re-building the windows and try to cut the glass to re-glaze them, otherwise I'll have to hire the work done. I can't afford that. More pictures coming tomorrow.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Major Progress...Sergeant Success
Okay...since last we met...
We got the meter moved over and the "pigtail" drop from the power pole connected. Woohoo! Shortly after that, Jim V and I got the power connected over from the new breaker box to the old so that we still had power to work with. Of course we didn't just patch it over; we made important improvements to the system to make it safer as well. Oldest fuse box-- gone. Old meters--history. Questionable connections-- reconnected. I also started pre-wiring the basement.
This weekend, I have been busting my tail to get other things done. Finished decking the floor in the "new" bathroom. Put electricity into it, too. Hung a solid door that needed lots of work. Got a lot of cleaning done, and made a lot of progress on straightening up the main floor. I'm trying to get it ready for Kathy to teach yoga there soon. Kathy got into the act as well. She took the shop-vac upstairs and started getting that in shape, too.
Everything is moving forward. One weird and troubling thing... the walls were sweating so bad there were puddles on the floor. This humidity coupled with the thermal mass of the thick brick walls makes for a lot of condensation. Going to have to deal with that, too.
Next week, Thanksgiving week, will be a holiday for me all week. Going to bust a gut to get lots done, while learning my lines for "Nevermore" (see Going to be a busy life for a while.
We got the meter moved over and the "pigtail" drop from the power pole connected. Woohoo! Shortly after that, Jim V and I got the power connected over from the new breaker box to the old so that we still had power to work with. Of course we didn't just patch it over; we made important improvements to the system to make it safer as well. Oldest fuse box-- gone. Old meters--history. Questionable connections-- reconnected. I also started pre-wiring the basement.
This weekend, I have been busting my tail to get other things done. Finished decking the floor in the "new" bathroom. Put electricity into it, too. Hung a solid door that needed lots of work. Got a lot of cleaning done, and made a lot of progress on straightening up the main floor. I'm trying to get it ready for Kathy to teach yoga there soon. Kathy got into the act as well. She took the shop-vac upstairs and started getting that in shape, too.
Everything is moving forward. One weird and troubling thing... the walls were sweating so bad there were puddles on the floor. This humidity coupled with the thermal mass of the thick brick walls makes for a lot of condensation. Going to have to deal with that, too.
Next week, Thanksgiving week, will be a holiday for me all week. Going to bust a gut to get lots done, while learning my lines for "Nevermore" (see Going to be a busy life for a while.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
It just floored me!
Today I finally made some real headway on the floor of what will become the handicapped accessible restroom. I was having trouble largely due to the fact that, as with much of this building, nothing is regularly spaced. The slots for the floor joists vary as much as 4 inches from one to the other. Even their lengths vary as much as 2 inches. But, regardless, I have one-third of the decking down now. When the decking is done, I'll lay the hardi-backer down, then the flooring.
On an even more positive note, the inspector passed the new breaker box and meter assembly. By the end of business Wednesday we should have the meter moved from the old, rather dangerous box, to the new, and a new power drop from the pole connected. Then the wiring can start. We will start with the upstairs- the living quarters. Once that is done, we'll do the main floor. Of course is has to be commercial code, whereas the upstairs is residential code. Once all that is done, the basement will get the electrical make-over (also commercial code since it is connected to the floor above).
One sad thing to report: Some #@%&$# bag shot our male hawk. We have, sorry, had a pair hunting the area of the creek that runs along the property. I found the male in the yard Saturday... dead with a gunshot to the body. There can be no reason and no excuse. And since red tailed hawks mate for life, the female is now a widow. No more baby hawks. I'll call the game warden Monday.
On an even more positive note, the inspector passed the new breaker box and meter assembly. By the end of business Wednesday we should have the meter moved from the old, rather dangerous box, to the new, and a new power drop from the pole connected. Then the wiring can start. We will start with the upstairs- the living quarters. Once that is done, we'll do the main floor. Of course is has to be commercial code, whereas the upstairs is residential code. Once all that is done, the basement will get the electrical make-over (also commercial code since it is connected to the floor above).
One sad thing to report: Some #@%&$# bag shot our male hawk. We have, sorry, had a pair hunting the area of the creek that runs along the property. I found the male in the yard Saturday... dead with a gunshot to the body. There can be no reason and no excuse. And since red tailed hawks mate for life, the female is now a widow. No more baby hawks. I'll call the game warden Monday.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
A friend in deed...
Yes, the space was intentional. My best friend (other than my wife) is Jim Vincill. Among his many talents is that of an electrician. He called to tell me he wanted to get started working on the rewiring process in the Nickel Manor. He found an electrician who was willing to pull the permit and safety check our work (for a reasonable fee, or course). When the wiring gets really rolling, everything else gets in gear as well. Thanks, man!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
I know it's weird, but I really don't have anything to report. I have done nearly nothing since the break-in. Gotta get back on that horse. Yee-haw!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Broke in hearted

Nickel Church
Saturday, August 3, 2013
A Hole in the Head
{Pun intended}
While looking at the floor for the other restroom in preparation of the plumbing, I found that the floor had to go; it was unsafe. So where there was once going to be a restroom is now a hole from dirt to roof. Bummer. I will, this coming week, rebuild the floor and run the pipes for the restroom/ dressing room. Oh that's right, I forgot to mention the change. The format of the restrooms have changed. There will be two restrooms as before, but both will be unisex. However, the west westwoom (sorry 'bout that) will be constructed so as to double as a dressing room for Kathy's yoga students. Because of that extra size, it will also serve as the "handicapped accessible" restroom required by code. This solves many problems.
Speaking of changes: Although Kathy and I had agreed on NO MORE CHANGES to the kitchen design...she changed it anyway. We are now going with granite tiles for the counter tops. I'm about to run away from home.
Since school starts soon and the show, Annie, which I have been involved in is over tomorrow, next week means hitting the project hard...except for the time I have to be making a new schedule for my classes and taking a less-than-ideal workshop. Busy, busy boy. I probably want to work mostly at night anyway because of the heat.
While looking at the floor for the other restroom in preparation of the plumbing, I found that the floor had to go; it was unsafe. So where there was once going to be a restroom is now a hole from dirt to roof. Bummer. I will, this coming week, rebuild the floor and run the pipes for the restroom/ dressing room. Oh that's right, I forgot to mention the change. The format of the restrooms have changed. There will be two restrooms as before, but both will be unisex. However, the west westwoom (sorry 'bout that) will be constructed so as to double as a dressing room for Kathy's yoga students. Because of that extra size, it will also serve as the "handicapped accessible" restroom required by code. This solves many problems.
Speaking of changes: Although Kathy and I had agreed on NO MORE CHANGES to the kitchen design...she changed it anyway. We are now going with granite tiles for the counter tops. I'm about to run away from home.
Since school starts soon and the show, Annie, which I have been involved in is over tomorrow, next week means hitting the project hard...except for the time I have to be making a new schedule for my classes and taking a less-than-ideal workshop. Busy, busy boy. I probably want to work mostly at night anyway because of the heat.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Game of Porcelain Thrones
Success! We now have two toilets in what will be the "Ladies Room". The permanent lavatory should go in tomorrow with the dividers shortly thereafter. This is a major milestone on the way to habitable. The vinyl tile floors were hell on my knees and back (even with knee pads), but it was worth it. Once the sink/lavatory is in, I can start bringing the water and drains upstairs and over to the "Gents Room". If I had to, I could stay there now. I wouldn't like to, really, but I could if I had to.
Somebody tried to break in last Sunday, but were foiled not by the alarm system, but by a well constructed door and the steel bar cages on the basement windows. Take that!
Here is a sequence of pictures of the restroom construction:
Somebody tried to break in last Sunday, but were foiled not by the alarm system, but by a well constructed door and the steel bar cages on the basement windows. Take that!
Here is a sequence of pictures of the restroom construction:
Monday, July 22, 2013
Potty mouth
Much is happening: got the fencing all done, of course; began scraping the paint off the ceiling (harder than it sounds);removed a lot of "stuff" to another location; removed the floor of the NW first floor room; and...trumpets please... am now ready to put in the first toilets! By this time tomorrow I expect to be able to answer the call of nature without crossing the street to Kroger's or hiding behind a tree. It's a big step. I've also decided that instead of separating the restroom into two independent restrooms, I'm going to make the NE corner the Ladies' room and the NW corner the Gents'. Each will be wheelchair accessible (that's the plan anyway). In between all this I put up a new mailbox post on Brazos to replace the one that was rotted.
On a completely separate note: Someone once again tried to break into the Manor Sunday night. They kicked in one of the panels on the basement door, but the resulting opening was too small to get in. They also tried to get in by way of an alley window. Ha! The steel cages on those windows foiled that attempt rather nicely. Had they gotten in, the alarm would have quickly sounded anyway, but that would have gotten me out of bed, schlepping down to the building to meet the police. I fixed the door. I'll be installing my cameras. As soon as I can afford to, I will put the bars on the rest of the basement windows, too. Take that!
On a completely separate note: Someone once again tried to break into the Manor Sunday night. They kicked in one of the panels on the basement door, but the resulting opening was too small to get in. They also tried to get in by way of an alley window. Ha! The steel cages on those windows foiled that attempt rather nicely. Had they gotten in, the alarm would have quickly sounded anyway, but that would have gotten me out of bed, schlepping down to the building to meet the police. I fixed the door. I'll be installing my cameras. As soon as I can afford to, I will put the bars on the rest of the basement windows, too. Take that!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Boxing for Power
More good news of progress: After rehearsal today (for the musical "Annie"), my best friend Jim and I put in a new meter box and breaker box down here at the Nickel Manor. Sound boring to you? Well not to me. This will make the place safer, and get it ready for me to start the gradual process of rewiring. Now whenever I have the cash together, I can call the power company and have them make a new pole drop- aka pigtail- and move my meter over. I can then patch the old breaker box to the new breaker box to keep my plugs and lights live until I finish rewiring each room. It's a big step in the right direction.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Fencing without a rapier
Progress in being made (passive voice intentional). I got the chain link fence mostly finished. Unfortunately I ran about 15 feet short of fence. I don't really feel like forking out $75 for 50 feet when I only need 15. I'm looking around for someone who has "left-overs". Also got most of the hardi-backer floor in the restrooms. They should be done shortly. I've had helpers part of the week for the heavy lifting that I can no longer do. That has helped a lot. Shout outs to Matt and Sean who take turns working for me.
Also this week we have new residents at the Manor. We have what appears to be a pair of hawks living in the creek area east of the property. One or the other of them have been on my fence each morning, leaving just before I could get a picture. Kathy got one this morning with the long lens on her camera.
My goal is to have the "main room" ready enough for the Lamb Family reunion this fall. Lots of work still to do. More as time goes by.
Also this week we have new residents at the Manor. We have what appears to be a pair of hawks living in the creek area east of the property. One or the other of them have been on my fence each morning, leaving just before I could get a picture. Kathy got one this morning with the long lens on her camera.
My goal is to have the "main room" ready enough for the Lamb Family reunion this fall. Lots of work still to do. More as time goes by.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
A ghost of a chance
Interesting event. Last night, Sonshine Paranormal Investigators of Ft. Worth, Tx came to the Manor to...well...investigate for paranormal activity. I haven't actually had any problems, but as an old building, it's sure to have history and emotion. The old "if these walls could talk" sort of thing. They stayed for quite some time. We, meanwhile, went to see the next to the last performance of "Ghosts, the Musical" at the Texas Theatre in Palestine, Texas. I think that's a nice piece of symmetry, don't you? Afterwards we went to Switch, Brick Oven Pizza and Wine Bar for a late supper with the cast. Leaving there around midnight, we swung by the Manor, and they were still there taking a break. They were still going to work more. I guess I'll find out sooner or later what they found or didn't find. I will of course post a link to their site when it's up. For now, here is their main page.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Got any spare change?
Okay...change of plan. Again. The new plan has me doing a rush job on the basics of the building, water and electricity and some others, by summer 2014 so that we can move in rough. That means also sanding floors, repairing windows, and at least one of the full baths ready for rough habitation. We will then move in with just the basics and live there while we/I keep working on the place. That would free us up to sell our current house and put that money into the refurbishing of the "Manor".
Sounds like a good plan, but it really puts the onus on me to get a move on. It also means I'm going to have to hire some help for the summer- a strong back to lift and tote the things I can't anymore. So new project list to be completed by summer's end:
Ask me again in August 2014 how things are going.
Sounds like a good plan, but it really puts the onus on me to get a move on. It also means I'm going to have to hire some help for the summer- a strong back to lift and tote the things I can't anymore. So new project list to be completed by summer's end:
- finish putting up fencing for security
- install new electrical panel and 2 sub-panels
- sand upstairs floors
- run water and drains to upstairs bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry area
- repair all windows including basement
Then by Year's End:
- move major table tools to upstairs or basement from street level
- begin wiring upstairs enough for kitchen, laundry, and bedrooms
- install wall in between bathrooms upstairs
- cut door from master bedroom to Master Bath
- refinish floors in bedrooms and kitchen
- plaster upstairs walls that need it
Ask me again in August 2014 how things are going.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Windows are the eyes of your car.
Okay...FINALLY got those pesky doors and windows on the GEM car. That was last weekend. They work great! Today, Scott welded the broken pipe rack brace, so that's fixed, too. Also put in a lavatory in the "restroom to be" so that I have running water available on the main floor now. Mowed today. Raked up twigs and piled up branches ready for the fire pit Saturday night. And had a long conversation with one of my favorite people on the phone for nearly 2 hours while sipping a beer. Life is good. Below are some pics.
Monday, March 11, 2013
...without the wind at your back...
Wow! When we last left our intrepid explorer, he had just bought himself a new e-car. Yesterday, after many life-altering delays, he started work on attaching the rear window and canvas (Jeep-style) doors. Estimated time on the instructions? Less than one hour. The instructions clearly state that you must install the rear window first as you won't be able to after installing the snaps for the doors. Good thinking. Should take 30 minutes or less. 3 HOURS later, the window is in with a break in one corner. No hardware was included for the window install, so I bought sheet metal screws at Lowe's, pre-drilled the holes, and so on. The heads of the Taiwan made screws SNAPPED OFF! even when done by hand. Not stripped out. Not got stuck. Snapped off like a crawfish head...leaving a new hole to be drilled in both window and roll cage or the screw drilled out. At first I was going to abandon the project until a new window + correct hardware could be ordered, but my "manly ego" and natural stubbornness took hold and sat on my shoulder whispering "Figure it out. Find a way. You can do it. Buy a pizza. Have a beer." Well I did, dammit! [not the pizza and beer part, though] So today, after lunch, I will finally install the snaps for the doors and the doors themselves. I am man, hear me roar!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
A Real Jewel of a GEM
Okay. We've bought a new vehicle: it's all electric, governed down in speed, and takes me pretty much everywhere I need to go for work. It saves me huge in fuel costs and when I get my solar panels done, its fuel will be $0.00 ! Hah.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Ghost of Christmas Past
Well! I finally finished that damn darn trunk. For a first attempt at that sort of creation, it turned out OK. I made mistakes here and there, but I learned from them. I had to undo and redo on an overdue project. In the end it is larger than I thought, but it is a stout, secure trunk. One you can sit on, if you so desired. I think the next one will be about half that size. It is the 2012 Christmas present for Charles and Aubrey Lamb (my son and new daughter). Oddly enough, I finished it on their one year anniversary, February 17. Hooray for them! Below are the final pics.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Merry Christmas in February!
Almost finished with the Christmas present I was making for Charles and Aubrey Lamb of Denton, Texas. It should have been ready for Christmas, but my injuries and the craziness of my life intervened. Now only two leather straps stand between me and barrel completion. I think I'll cry.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Can't quite put my finger on it...
Okay. So I'm working on a camel-back trunk for my kids' late Christmas present. I'm using the table saw to rip slats for the lid at a nice 84 deg angle. I'm being safe: protective eye-wear, earplugs, and a pusher so my hands don't get too close to the blade on these small slats. It's all good. Until, out of nowhere, a huge sneeze wracks my body. Now big sneezes hurt me anyway because of my back injuries, but this time my right hand ring finger decides it's time to visit with Mr. Sawblade. Can you say "Not good, Mr. Finger?"
Well I'm bleeding, but not as badly as you might expect. Because I was using the pusher I only caught the tip of the finger. Chewed it pretty well, but it's mostly intact. Called my wife, and had her take me to our family doctor which was probably faster than an ER visit. Heck, it didn't even require stitches. Did take a little debriding, though. In case you aren't familiar with that, the doctor numbed my finger then began to scrape and cut away the ragged edges and tags of skin and meat so that it would heal faster. Bandages and tape and a finger splint for protection, and I'm done. Slows me down. It's a pain in the butt, but I still have a finger, and it will heal.
Actually typing this is a pain right now. :)
Well I'm bleeding, but not as badly as you might expect. Because I was using the pusher I only caught the tip of the finger. Chewed it pretty well, but it's mostly intact. Called my wife, and had her take me to our family doctor which was probably faster than an ER visit. Heck, it didn't even require stitches. Did take a little debriding, though. In case you aren't familiar with that, the doctor numbed my finger then began to scrape and cut away the ragged edges and tags of skin and meat so that it would heal faster. Bandages and tape and a finger splint for protection, and I'm done. Slows me down. It's a pain in the butt, but I still have a finger, and it will heal.
Actually typing this is a pain right now. :)
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